
Vehicle Insurance

Vehicle Insurance

INTERSIG Vienna Insurance Group offers a wide range of insurance products, designed for individuals, families and businesses to come closer to the requests and needs of customers:

TPL Insurance

It is insurance for the drivers and owners of vehicles for civil liability toward third parties arising from the use of motor vehicles in the territory of Albania and Kosovo. The limits of liabilities for an event occurring within the territory of Albania, as for the material and health damage are defined in compulsory Law of Transportation Sector no. 10076 dated 12.02.2009. While the liabilities limits for the events occurring in territory of Kosovo are defined in the Kosovo Lows for the compulsory insurance.

The insurance premium varies according to the category, capacity and power of the motor vehicle.

Soon with the implementation of the Bonus-Malus system the insurance premium shall be determined depending on the accidents that a driver has caused previously. The insurance premium will be higher for the drivers who have caused accidents and also the reverse premium will be reduced for the drivers who have not caused accidents. The methodology for determining the premium shall be approved by the Financial Supervisory Authority.

Kushtet e Pergjitheshme te sigurimit te detyrushem TPL (1)

Cmimet TPL Janar 2019 Primi i rrezikut TPL_Janar 2018_p2

Primi i rrezikut TPL_Janar 2018_p2

Green Card Risk Premium Janar 2018_v1

Green Card Risk Premium Janar 2018_v1

Primi i rrezikut TPL_2019

Raport për tarifat e sigurimit TPL dhe Karton jeshil

Llogaritjet e primit të rrezikut janë bërë konform Rregullores nr. 110, dt. 28.07.2011, “Për përcaktimin e nivelit të provigjioneve teknike të sigurimit të detyrueshëm në sektorin e transportit” si dhe duke u bazuar ne metodën e re të propozuar nga eksperti i Bankës Botërore për llogaritjen e tarifave të sigurimit të detyrueshëm motorik MTPL.

Gjatë llogaritjes janë përdorur të dhëna historike të kompanisë, të cilat ndodhen dhe në kopje elektronike bashkelidhur këtij raporti.

Të dhënat që kam përdorur janë dëmet e paguara dhe dëmet pezull në fund të cdo viti, për periudhën 2013-2017.

Janë përdorur të dhënat për vitet 2013-2017 për të llogaritur “vehicle year” dhe më pas është llogaritur primi i rrezikut i ndarë sipas kategorive.

Për sa i përket llogaritjes së primit të riskut për kartonin jeshil kam përdorur të dhënat për dëmet e paguara dhe dëmet pezull të shpërndara për periudhën 2008-2017.

Për llogaritjen e ekspozimit janë përdorur të dhënat nga shitjet për periudhën  2009-2017.

Pasi është llogaritur primi i riskut teorik kam bërë shpërndarjen sipas kategorive dhe periudhës së mbulimit duke u bazuar në në tarifat e primit të sigurimit të detyrueshëm për Kartonin Jeshil sipas Vendimit Nr. 137, Datë 06.10.2011.

Për sa i përket primit të riskut për kontratën Kufitare implementuam të njëjtën metodë dhe arritëm në vlera të përaftërta me primet sipas tabelës në Vendimit Nr. 137, Datë 06.10.2011, dhe sipas këtij rezultati nuk e mendojmë të arsyeshme që këto tarifa ti ndryshojmë.

Tarifat e Primit ne Sigurimin e Pasagjereve nga Aks. ne transportin Publik Qershor 2016

Green Card Risk Premium Janar 2018_v1


CASCO Insurance

It is a voluntary insurance which compensates the owner of the motor vehicle for damages caused or occurred to its own vehicle in case of road accidents when the driver is guilty for the accident and as well as in case of:

For information on Casco Terms click here

Crash, Upturned

Fires, Explosion, Lightning

Natural Disasters

Breaking Glass

Stealing * This coverage applies only in full Casco coverage

Atrocities * This coverage is provided for government vehicles of the diplomatic corps, and as well as in cases of special approval.

Casco insurance covers all damage occurring in the territory of Albania and abroad.

The insurance premium varies according to the value of the motor vehicle and the insurance scheme chosen by the customer him/herself. Insurance schemes are as below:

Full Casco – Albania, the client receives compensation for damage to the vehicle within the territory of Albania as a result of all risks mentioned above.

Full Casco – Albania and Abroad – the client receives compensation for damage to the vehicle in the territory of Albania and the territory of the other states involved in the area of coverage as a result of all risks mentioned above.

Partial Casco – Albania – the client receives compensation for damage to the vehicle within the territory of Albania as a result of:

Clash, Upturned

Fire, Explosion, Lightning

Natural Disasters

Breaking Glass

Partial Casco – Albania and Abroad – the client receives compensation for damage to the vehicle in the territory of Albania and in the territory of other states involved in the area of coverage as a result of:

Clash, Upturned

Fire, Explosion, Lightning

Natural Disasters

Breaking Glass

Deductible and Franchise

Casco voluntary insurance policy contains a deductible in % and franchise.

In case of damage, the insurer pays the indemnification value minus the deductible portion.

For the first damage deductible that applies is 10%

For the second damage is 20%, for the third damage is 30%.

In case of vehicle theft the deductible portion is 20%

In case of damage, after the compensation claim is made, Intersig pays the client within 10 working days from the completion of practice with the necessary documentation. A customer can choose if he/she wants to take the cash payment for the damage or the reparation of the damaged vehicle in Intersig car services.

Green Card Insurance

It is a compulsory insurance motor vehicles policy for vehicles with Albanian plates circulating abroad. This insurance covers the material damage and health liability of the motor vehicle holder toward third party liability caused as an effect of the circulation of vehicles in the territory of Green Card System that includes 46 European and Asian countries. Limits of liability are different according to the law of the country of the accident.


Border Police Insurance

it is a compulsory insurance for motor vehicle holders with foreign license plates that circulate in the territory of Albania. If the vehicle with foreign license plates enters in the territory of Albania and does not have a valid Green Card then it is obliged to obtain the Border Insurance Policy.

This insurance policy covers the liability for material damage and health, which may cause by the driver/ owner of the motor vehicle toward third party, liability arising from the circulation of these vehicles in the territory of Albania.

The applicable liability limits are defined in Law nr. 10076 dated 12.02.2009, Article 2. The insurance premium varies according to the category , motor vehicle power and the insurance period, which starts from 15 days to 12 months.


GPS system

The GPS system determines the location of your vehicle in real-time.

This service offers:

  • Provides information on the location of your vehicle at any time
  • The itinerary prescribed by the vehicle
  • The time staying on or off
  • Mileage prescribed for a day, week or month;
  • The amount spent on fuel and its velocity.

GPS system notifies you by e-mail / mobile when the vehicle:

  • Moves with the engine off
  • Running the speed limit
  • When outside of the covered area
  • Be involved in an accident
  • Stands for a long time without moving with the engine on

How much does it cost?

Please contact on of Intersig VIG point of sale


Passengers Insurance from Accidents on Public Transport

The owners of the public passenger transportation are obliged to have a contract for the insurance of passengers from accidents on public transport.

This insurance contract is made by the owners of:

  1. Urban buses, intercity and international public transport, including when the vehicle is rented;
  2. Bus transport for workers and bus tour companies;
  3. Taxi drivers and car rental, when given together with the driver;
  4. All types of marine, river and lake, including passenger ferries of regular routes and tourist tours and vessels without engines as well;
  5. All types of vehicles provided in the letter “d” above, rented together with at least one crew member;
  6. Aircraft used for public transport of passengers by air;
  7. Cable Car and all means of transport on rail, including trains, tram, metro and other means, which move on rails;
  8. All other means of transport, regardless of power, used for public transport of passengers.

The compensation limits toward passengers, for physical damage or loss of life, are prescribed in the Law no. 10076 dated 12.02.2009 “On Compulsory Insurance in the transport sector”.


Cmimet Kufitare Janar 2018

Tarifat e Primit ne Sigurimin e Pasagjereve nga Aks. ne transportin Publik Qershor 2016