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Casco Insurance

The best precaution is prevention

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Our main goal is to facilitate the compensation process

Intersig VIG offers the possibility of insuring health through a variety of packages

  • Information for renew the insurance policy

    Dear valued customer, We kindly invite you to renew your motor insurance policy with our Intersig Vienna Insurance Group branches or points of sale at your earliest convenience, if you have not already done so. Please be informed that under …

  • News

    On 01 July 2021, the law no. 32/2021 “On compulsory insurance within the transport sector” enters into force. According to this law, the owner / user of the vehicle during its use is obliged to keep with him, among others, …

  • Intersig at ‘Work&Study’ Fair 2018

    Intersig was present this year in the Work&Study Fair during 28-30 march at the Palace of Congress.

  • We Pay Damage

    When something unexpected happens, the first question that comes to our minds is: Am I in safe hands? Paying fast through a fair and transparent process is our most important objective. In late 2014, Intersig VIG was ranked the second insurance …

Llogarisni policën TPL

Nga 01.01.2025 hyn në fuqi rregullorja e re për policat TPL ku çmimi do të përcaktohet sipas disa vlerave të përcaktuara. Përdorni makinën llogaritëse më poshtë për të llogaritur primin e policës suaj.